
Patricia Bech
Mar 1, 2021

I always said that I would mix my posts up a bit on Medium and not just write about one topic. Today, I thought I would post some daffodil photos. Yes… they are out!! It has made me so happy to see these joyous bright flowers. They really are a sign that spring has arrived and is well and truly here!

Daffodils photographed by Patricia Bech

I have been walking a lot during lockdown and watching nature has been so much fun. Even more so now that the lovely flowers are all poking up. Primroses, snowdrops and daffodils are all very pretty indeed!

Here are some pictures to enjoy:

Solo daffodil, © Patricia Bech
A film featuring daffodils by Patricia Bech



Patricia Bech

Patricia Bech is a writer and blogger with an interest in travel, fitness and lifestyle.